Classes at Monash are aimed at beginners at the start of the year, but we welcome new students at any time of the year. As students progress the classes become more advanced. During your first few lessons you will be taught basic concepts involving posture, controlling energy flow (rolling and attacking) and interacting with other students. For safety reasons, you must watch an Aikido class before participating.
Instructors and Affiliation
The instructors at Monash are provided through Aiki-Kai Australia, founded in 1965 by the late Seiichi Sugano Shihan who passed away in 2010. His senior students carry on his legacy in Australia and around the world.
Aiki‑Kai Australia operates in all states and territories and runs classes throughout Melbourne and Australia. We strongly encourage students to train at other venues as well as Monash Uni and attend special training events. For insurance purposes, we are required that all students are members of Aiki-Kai Australia. To help with this, we have arranged a special rate for full- or part-time students attending Monash University. Please see the Joining the Club page for more details.
Classes at Monash count towards requirements for Aiki-Kai Australia gradings.
All instructors at Monash University have current First Aid qualifications.
What is Aikido?
Aikido is a modern Japanese martial art developed by Morihei Ueshiba. Based on his rigorous training in traditional Japanese martial arts, he spent his life developing the art as a means of refining and uplifting the human spirit.
Aikido is an effective martial art whose essence goes beyond the resolution of physical conflicts. Aikido uses circular flowing movements originating from a relaxed body and a fully focused mind. Regular practice brings a feeling of well-being and self-confidence that carries over into every aspect of daily life.
Aikido uses repeated practice of various techniques in its physical training. With time, rational and unforced movements flow naturally from within the body. The trainee practises ways to control aggression without causing harm or injury. Aikido has no competitive matches as a natural result of this basic philosophy. Since winning and losing are never a concern, trainees can dedicate their efforts to mutual goals. It is thus possible for men, women and children of all ages to pursue the path of budo that is the heart of Aikido. Each student trains and progresses at their own pace; finding harmony within their own personal development.