MS 24 hour challenge
On Saturday 1st of May the Monash University Squash Club took up the challenge to raise money and to participate in the MS 24 hour Mega Challenge. Only the club members of intelligence were selected for this mission... quest... thing. Candidates were favoured for their diverse skills such as ability to play squash in a onesie, cake baking and responsible consumption of frothy alcoholic beverages. Once assembled, the fellowship set out on a perilous journey to the black gates of Westerfolds Sports Center to defeat evil there that does not sleep and to raise money to help people living with multiple sclerosis. One does not simply play squash for 24 hours straight however and so the fellowship members took turns to share the load. We fought day and night and in our darkest hour of the graveyard shift, almost all hope was lost to see the light of day again and some in the fellowship even forgot the taste of bread. Miraculously, at day break the horns sounded in the distance as fresh reinforcements streamed in donning onesies and fast food to save the day. Well done to all that participated and big thanks to everyone that donated money for MS which totalled to a precious $835! We'll see you next time when we're quite ready for our next adventure!