Congratulations Team Monash for their incredible effort at this year’s Indigenous Nationals.
After participating in four mixed sports over four days, Monash was ranked no.8 out of the 29 Universities that competed.
Their silver medal win in Netball helped them secure their high rank. Playing against the University of Queensland, the final score was 22-15.
Monash University’s 2022 Team Organiser, Jessica Bennett said that seeing the team head into the Netball grand final was a definite highlight.
“The team trained hard for months before leaving, and seeing all that work pay off was really rewarding,” she said.
"It also made me feel so proud to see the pride in the team in reaching the grand final and playing with positive spirits throughout the whole week."
Monash player Alex Bennett was also named the Most Valuable Player of the whole Netball competition. Well done Alex!
To wrap up the games, the closing ceremony was a chance to announce the 2023 Indigenous Games host University. Presented to our Team Organiser, Jess, QUT passed the boomerang to Monash University.
“I feel so excited for Monash to host Indigenous Nationals next year,” Jess said.
“Attending each year has been a highlight of my university years and I can't wait to see how next year's team will do, having the home ground advantage.”
A huge congratulations to all the student-athletes who participated in this year's Indigenous Nationals in Brisbane. We cannot wait to bring the games down to Monash next year.
By Katerina Kostakos