Member Category | Student Registration Fee1 | Community Registration Fee1 |
Full Season | $420 2 | $480 2 |
Semester 1 only (Available only for those who have prediscussed with a committee member. Must not play after 14th July to be eligible) |
$300 | $330 |
Winter only (available if joining after 1st of June) |
$300 | $330 |
Semester 2 (available if joining after 15th of July) |
$260 | $260 |
Friday Night Social Fees | $40 per sem | N/A to non-students |
1 Any payment of Pre-season Membership fee ($50) should be deducted from the registration fee. The amount listed is the TOTAL amount payable for the season.
2 Players who are considered as "goalkeepers" are entitled to a $50 reduction for either a student or community registration fee. Only applies to full season registration.
The Playing Membership covers the costs of registration with the FV and FA, coaching, venue hire, referee fees, equipment and other club related costs.