Monash University Soccer Club (Clayton)
For all payments to the club, e.g. paying membership fees, buying a social event ticket, donating money to the club, etc., the required method of payment is by electronic funds transfer (EFT) to the club's bank account:
- Account name: Monash University Soccer Club;
- BSB: 033289
- Account number: 119766
- Description: please include your name and the first few letters of what the payment is for, i.e. PN (for Presentation Night), REG (for registration), etc.
Always print out a receipt of any electronic payment and please present it to a committee member when requested.
In special circumstances, if EFT can not be used, two other payment methods can be used:
- Cheque - addressed to Monash University Soccer Club,
- Cash - please use exact change when possible, and ask a committee member for a receipt when using this payment method.