Aikido uses circular flowing movements originating from a relaxed body and a fully focused mind. Regular practice brings a feeling of wellbeing and self-confidence that carries over into every aspect of daily life.


Aikido is an effective martial art whose essence goes beyond the resolution of physical conflicts. Aikido uses circular flowing movements originating from a relaxed body and a fully focused mind. Regular practice brings a feeling of well-being and self-confidence that carries over into every aspect of daily life. Aikido uses repeated practice of various techniques in its physical training. Aikido students practice ways to control aggression without causing harm or injury.

Classes at Monash are aimed at beginners at the start of the year, but we welcome new students at any time. As students progress, the classes become more advanced. During your first few lessons you will be taught basic concepts involving posture, controlling energy flow (rolling and attacking) and interacting with other students. For safety reasons, you must watch an Aikido class before participating.


Student membership cost: $40 per semester

Aiki-kai Australia membership: $5 per semester for Monash students. Higher fees apply for non-students

Aiki-kai membership is compulsory. It provides you with public liability coverage, allows you to attend classes at our other dojos, attend training events and take grading examinations.

Membership includes:

  • Training fees 
  • Insurance
  • Ability to train at state and national events 

For more information click here.

Join here!


Classes at Monash are aimed at beginners at the start of the year, but we welcome new students at any time of the year. As students progress the classes become more advanced. During your first few lessons you will be taught basic concepts involving posture, controlling energy flow (rolling and attacking) and interacting with other students. For safety reasons, you must watch an Aikido class before participating.

Times: Tuesdays and Thursdays 6:30 - 8:00 pm 

Location: Multi-purpose Studio, Monash Sport Clayton 

More Information


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